

Francesco Zavattari returns to Eitch

Rome, Navona Square, seventeenth-century complex of Pamphilj Mansion, spaces of the Innocenziano College, Eitch Boromini, cloister, fourth and fifth floors: we are in the Borromini Art Gallery, a place of ancient but also contemporary beauty. In one of our January articles we talked about the three-dimensional works of Rubena Bonini, in our museum spaces from April. Well, during the same month, another exhibition will also open: of Francesco Zavattari. A multifaceted artist, who we are now going to introduce to you.

The artistic journey
Born in Tuscany in 1983, at just nineteen years old creates his first series – immediately attracting the attention of both public and Critics. In time, explores sculpture, Art design and Art video, theater direction, restyling of valuable spaces, installations (including luminous ones), fabric creations and photography. Counting - and only twenty years later – as many official series, forty personal exhibitions, two theatrical directions and more than five hundred international publications, with a work that in 2022 reached twentyseven Countries in four Continents. His chromatic research begins with the accredited studio of hundreds of works in the main museums of Madrid (Prado, Reina Sofia and Thyssen-Bornemisza), to continue with the masterclass and visual story ‘Color State of Mind – The Color in Cinema’. While a topic unfortunately still current such as violence againts women becomes ‘My Art is Female’: a project of pictorial and photographic series on the value, the importanc and the beauty of every woman. Not forgetting the photographic international project ‘Timeless’, with which Francesco restores the atmospheres and the memory of some museums: the Utrecht Speelklok, the Lisbon Hospital de Bonecas (the Doll Hospital) and the London Cinema Museum.

The exhibitions at Eitch Borromini
In 2021, ‘Eitch-In, Eitch-Out’: internal shots, of the beautiful spaces created by Borromini and frescoed by Bernini, and external ones, of Navona Square and the entire City. From the Art Gallery’s Restaurant, ‘Borromini Terrace’, with a splendid view from above over Navona Square and beyond, and from our rooftop, with its panoramic view over the whole of Rome, already named “The Great Beauty”. A special perspective, that of our historic mansion. Made of new points of view, which pushed Francesco to a real challenge: that of capturing surprising angles in their natural light, with no easels nor flash.
In 2022, ‘Caput Mundi’ – which sees the opening image as poster of the exhibition. “From that moment Eitch became my Roman home, source of constant inspiration”, comments our artist friend. Because, with this again photographic project, Francesco talks about Rome from a privileged “observatory” like ours. Of History, Art and Beauty, inside and all around. From the Collegio Innocenziano spaces, in the heart of Pamphilj Palace and the monumental Navona Square, which still today attracts architects, painters and sculptors from all over the world.

As we said at the beginning, from Aprile his works will return to being beloved guests of our Art Gallery. With the exhibition ‘Grand Tour: Roman visions’, which already fromt the name is a promise. Of discovery and amazement.

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